Making adventure work better for everyone.
Mapitiyo is a community of adventure activity centres, adventure professionals, and adventure lovers. Our simple, secure, and super-fast web app improves the adventure activities experience for everyone.
Less organising ; more doing. That's what it's all about, right?
Let's make unforgettable memories.
Take the admin out of adventure
Adventure centres
Hire great adventure professionals, schedule lessons, and promote your business - effortlessly.
Deliver a seamless experience customers will love.
Adventure professionals
Find awesome adventure job opportunities in cool places with cool people, without downtime between seasons.
Get paid to do what you love.
Adventure lovers
Push your boundaries and get your adrenaline racing.
Find people you trust to guide your adventure activities, from surfing to safari.
About Mapitiyo
Yes, hello. You're probably here for the exact same reasons as us (only we built it first ).
Seriously though. We're a group of professionals who've been there, done that, got pissed off with the paperwork and chaos and wished there was a better way.
We've run activity centres and played in them. We've been instructors and students (and the best instructors know you're always both). We built Mapitiyo because it's exactly the app we wished we had in every centre, in every lesson, on every adventure.
We're still growing (fast). We hope you'll bear with us. This is our dream - making your dreams that extra bit more special.
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